The Bloom, The Sprout (A Poem Apropos of Sexual Harassment) | By Daryln Sia

by - November 16, 2020

Credits to Daryln @chokoilatte

A young, fresh bloom,

Of a new flower, born in spring.

Produced from within her mother’s tender womb,

A song, her heart rings.

O, little one, how lively she played,

With her peers under the sun.

And as the evenings came,

A tune, her heart hummed.

And yet, looking back,

How her days were full of glee.

How sad, though, there came a crack;

and her heart stopped singing happily.

A crack; reiterated.

It appeared at home one day,

From that day on her heart stiffened.

It fell, for metres, miles, all the way


        sinking deeper,

            and further descend

                into the deepest pits of hell.

Flames roar in a crescendo.




At the heart, heavy as a boulder.

It left a trail as it was dragged along the path.

Along the school corridor, along the road on the way back.

Home, where the trail grew wide and deep,

Until it firmly stood, anchored, in the bedroom.

And it stood, for a while,

A long while.

On occasion, it would soften,

It was just for a moment, though.

Time waits for no man,

Days, months, years went by.

Stillness pervaded, until one day,

A small sprout came, along with a butterfly.


An expressive written piece comes with many factors to be deeply considered, but I find that the most important of which is to empathise the subject that’s being written about. Of course, the easiest of which is to write from first-hand experience. However, a lack of such personal experience provided me with the challenge to attempt to portray at least a fraction of the daunting experiences of these victims. I wanted to portray the journey the heart takes, before, during, and after the incident. Essentially, this is a poem dedicated to the resilience of victims-turned-survivors, that through time, healing and ultimately, forgiveness, comes. 

Source: AWAM 

Sexual harassment can occur in all situations, whether it is at your workplace, school or even in public. Despite that, Malaysia does not have a specific law that targets sexual harassment which often leads to reports of sexual harassment not being taken seriously or completely disregarded. The Sexual Harassment Bill has been in the works for the past 20 years and aims to protect all survivors regardless of gender, race and background. Let’s step up and use our voice to ensure that this bill gets tabled at the parliament this November! The petition can be found here. AWAM currently has garnered over 16,000 e-signatures, BUT the traditional Paper Petition is what gets this cause heard in Parliament. YOUR help is needed to amplify the Rakyat’s call for our MPs to address sexual harassment head-on‼️ 
Follow these steps to sign the paper petition:

1. Get in touch with AWAM via Instagram @awammalaysia or call them at 0378774221 to get your copy of the petition.

2. Sign the Petition. Remember to include your IC number, address and full name 📝

3. Send the petition back to AWAM! You have 2 options for this depending on where you stay📬📫

Source: AWAM 

*The paper petition is open to Malaysians ONLY. But remember, the Sexual Harassment Act is for everyone! 

*The 2nd image ‘How to send it back’ has a mistake. Petitions sent via PosLaju must be mailed before 16th November). 

You can also donate to AWAM’s Sexual Harassment Awareness, Redress & Prevention (SHARP) Program that will enable them to provide trainings for free to the people who can’t afford them (ex. Orang Asli estate workers, students in smaller schools, non-English speaking communities, etc.) but need them the most. 

If you or someone you know is having a hard time or have experienced any form of gender-based violence, do reach out to AWAM’s Helpline, Telenita at 0162374221, WAO’s 24/7 Hotline at 0379563488 or WhatsApp Tina at 0189888058. 

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