World Kindness Day | By Naomi Khoo

by - November 13, 2020

Credits to Ally @ssoonshim

    Kindness. An eight-letter word that in reality, is made up of so many other words! Love, compassion, empathy and courage are among the many elements that compose kindness. Kindness suggests a gentle tone, but the effects produced are stronger than anything, inducing change in one’s life and before you know it, the whole world! 

    Growing up, kindness has always felt like something big to me. I had this misconception that kindness requires a great amount of intention, effort and thoughtfulness poured in. And it does, but mostly for occasional big, planned events. Truth be told, all it takes for the flame of kindness to ignite is a small yearning to care. Kindness can come in any form – a cookie, a nonagon, a battery, and even a wavy line! – you get the idea. Kindness has no fixed definition and such fluidity allows for it to exist with the mere reason of caring enough to actually care. 

    This happened during one of my stressful college days. I remember struggling to carry a huge box of books for my A2 exams and the distance between the main gate of my hostel and the elevators just felt like the longest in the world. It didn’t help that the guard just kind of stared at me as I fumbled for my access card buried deep in the box. And the cleaner who walked past me said, “Amoi, pakai trolley la!” (“Girl, use the trolley!”). I was just thinking about how cold-hearted this society had become when suddenly I heard a voice say, “Do you need help carrying those up?”. To be honest, I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts then that I thought that voice was in my head. Then I turned and saw a complete stranger and thought “Wow, so there are still good people around”. This incident, although probably very insignificant in the eyes of others, was exactly the kindness I needed at that time. It inspired me to do the same. 

    Kindness can be anything. 

    I asked a few friends what kindness is to them, and there were some replies which radiated warmth. Imagine being in the middle of a huge airport and losing your passport. Kindness is a family on vacation helping you find it. You are a hungry college student on a plane with overpriced meals. Kindness is being treated to a meal by the person seated beside you. Having the Grab driver put his hand in front of you during an emergency brake is kindness. Arranged to a bed under a leaking air conditioner and having a total stranger notice and offer to switch places is kindness. Seated on the LRT and from afar you see an old woman make her way into your carriage while the doors are about to close. For a second, you are scared that she would be squashed, but kindness is in the form of a passenger nearby who rushed to hold the doors. 

    Kindness can be anyone. 

    Another misconception I had about kindness was that it had to be done by a complete stranger or anyone who is neither family nor friend. I realised I was wrong. Being family or friends does not negate kindness. Though kindness arguably stems with ease from the love bond present, kindness is still kindness. It is never a responsibility but a choice. Kindness is having a friend check up on you. It is family driving all the way to the airport to welcome you home. Kindness is dad waking up extra early to make noodles from scratch for you. It is your friends supporting a campaign you organised or merely showing up for your piano competition to give support. Kindness is a friend explaining a physics concept over and over again until you understand. It is kindness that allowed for surprise visits from hometown friends during lonely university days and kindness that your roommate cooked for you when you were unwell. 

    Often perceived as something made beautiful in poetry and songs and art, kindness is nonetheless found beautiful in the realms of science. Science has proven that random acts of kindness promotes good health, boosts your energy level, provides life satisfaction, increases your self-worth, optimism and sense of belonging in this world. Kindness also decreases anxiety levels, depression and blood pressure. Such changes not only happen in the giver and the recipient, but even extends to the witness of act of kindness! 

    Kindness, can be anything and anyone, can be kindness. Are you ready to become kindness? 

    World Kindness Day – an international celebration of kindness itself, kindness that bridges gaps between humans and makes this world a better place. May kindness be an everyday thing for you and for me. We only live once. Choose kindness. Always. 

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