Why Do People Look Forward To Romance | By YQH
Some of us are fortunate enough to know how it feels to fall in love, while others may have experienced falling out of love. Some haven't even experienced falling at all. So, why do we seek love? What is it about love that creates an innate desire for us to crave and yearn for it?
Photo by Eiman Khai.
Love in the Media
Some may have married solely due to familial obligation and perhaps found love along the way, while TV romances detailed beautiful love stories with perfect ‘meant to be’ encounters and a happy fairy tale ending. More often than not, this unintentionally placed love into a defined box of bubbly romances, which caused us to have unrealistically high expectations towards how love should be rather than what love actually is. We only seem to associate romance with happiness and joy, but love is multi-faceted, what comes with joy might also come with pain.Photo by Eiman Khai.
Loneliness and Human Connection
To be really honest, loneliness is a major contributing factor to why people seek to date. Humans crave connection, and by default being a significant other to someone mostly means we are able to connect to the other person on a deeper, more personal level than anyone else. That connection can make us disregard other human desires such as money, power and authority. When there is no one to share your happiness, sorrows and pain with, all of these other human desires do not matter as much. Many of us are looking for that one person who knows all of our imperfections yet still loves us for who we are.The Perks of Romance
Love is a beautiful thing, and there are a few reasons as to why I said that.Photo by Trinity Wong.
Photo by Eiman Khai.
2.New experiences. When we have a partner who is a beacon of hope and courage, we are able to try out new experiences we never thought we could have. Things we could never have accomplished alone but are empowered and encouraged to try with someone else. With this we get to make new memories that we will cherish deeply for the future.
Photo by Trinity Wong.
3.To improve oneself. To love someone is to hope that person is able to continuously grow as a person. Our best wishes aren’t for ourselves, we have kept it for the people we love. In the meantime, we could be motivated to strive for growth ourselves, as only then can we stand proudly next to the one we love. Hence love is beautiful and strong, because it drives us to want to be someone better.
Photo by Eiman Khai.
5.Intimacy. The feeling of skin on skin, especially if with someone special, evokes a different emotion and feeling in us. A light feather of a touch, intertwined hands, simple gestures such as these would be enough to make us feel safe and whole. Touch is also a form of affection towards the ones we love, because it means we trust that person with ourselves, completely and entirely.
Photo by Eiman Khai.
Why We Want Love
Why do we seek love again? Because love is a beautiful thing, and we as humans are naturally attracted to beautiful things.No one wants to be sad if they can be happy. No one wants to be stressed out if they can be calm. Ultimately, we don’t always get what we want. But that’s okay, because we’re humans, and that’s part and parcel of being one. Solely because we’re humans, we are given the chance to experience all the aforementioned beautiful things.
Loving someone isn’t easy, it takes responsibility, commitment and sacrifice. It is great if you are in a relationship with someone, and I wish you all the joys of the world that the both of you can get. However, even if you aren’t, fret not, because you are still fully able to love. You have to remember to love yourself. Because you are precious, and one day, someone will call you home.