Ducks in Distress | by Maira Alesha

by - May 15, 2024

Illustrated by Lee Enn (@zenigiri)

 The family of ducks inhabiting the Taylor’s lake is beloved and adored by many. The flock, consisting of six ducks; three mallards, one marbled, one brown, and one black, are often seen sunbathing and paddling peacefully as a group. However, it's come to the attention of many Taylorians that one duck has unexpectedly vanished in plain sight, leaving behind a flurry of questions and speculations from worried students. It's a quack-tastrophe!

We've all been cracking our heads to solve this rather feather-ruffling mystery.  There have been a few theories to explain the whereabouts of the missing duck. Some say that she may have met a grim fate, being cooked and served to the unsuspecting students of Taylor’s, while others believe foul play (or fowl play) has been at hand, perhaps even a duck-napping escapade organized by students from our rival schools such as Sunway or Monash. “I’ve often seen lizards skulking around our lake after heavy rain; maybe they were looking for potential targets to feast on,” theorized one student.  Another speculated,” The Taylor’s ducks are well fed by students; maybe she got so fat that she couldn't stay afloat and was drowned by her own weight.” Rather grim, but still, it's a likely possibility. While leading up to the disappearance, eyewitnesses observed nothing exactly out of the ordinary. The ducks happily traveled as a group, splashing around and taking occasional naps under shady trees, unaware of the tragedy that was about to unfold upon them. They were often seen to be accompanied by creeps of tortoises that lay low underwater. Perhaps they were involved in this strange mystery, acting as accomplices to the evildoer in exchange for FamilyMart chocolate buns.

The disappearance of the duck has definitely not gone unnoticed on campus. It left many Taylorians worried for the safety and well-being of the missing duck. Immediately after she went missing, news traveled rapidly from student to student, all anxious for the safe return of the duckie. While we all scratch our heads attempting to figure out this puzzling mystery, here's what mournful students had to say about this rather feathery fiasco. “I couldn't believe it, I was in denial. I’ve spent restless nights worrying for the poor duckie, it’s even affected my studies and my personal life.” lamented one student. Another Taylorian ranted,  “Honestly, I’m angry at the circumstances the duck is in, but mostly angry at Taylor’s for not being able to protect the innocent bird.” Is our campus even safe enough for the remaining family of ducks? Perhaps it would be in the best interest of the birds for us to release them back into the wild, where they can paddle along safely without worry.

What should we, as Taylorians, do to recover the duck? Some suggest hiring a duck whisperer to talk to the duck group and gather clues to find her. Others suggest kidnapping Sunway’s mascots, Samson and Sophia, the sun bears, and interrogating them until they crack, or at least until proven innocent. One stressed student said, “I think we should have student volunteers take shifts following the ducks around to protect the remaining ones, I couldn't bear losing even one more of them, my heart wouldn't be able to take it,” Clearly, Taylorians aren't taking the loss too well…

The disappearance of the duck has caused much unrest and concern amongst Taylorians. While the exact circumstances of the vanishing remain uncertain, students will continue to stand united to quack the case and bring our poor feathered friend home. #bringhomeduckie

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