CnS Festival September 2023: A Week of Shenanigans | By Kenji Ng Ken Lin
“Hi! Want to join our club?” said the club presidents of every single booth…
Under the warm afternoon sun, on a university campus deep in the heart of Subang lay a lively white tent. Full of enthusiastic students and creatively designed booths, people dashed left and right just to get to where they wanna be. It was utter chaos! But the fun type of chaos.
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Photo by Kenji Ng (SPART) |
There I was, dressed in my blue overalls and black club tee, carrying a camera bag and ready for the day’s events. I arrived at the empty booth and was greeted by my friends. We unpacked our box of decorations and started decorating the booth. It was beautifully lined with different kinds of decorations that we picked up from our homes. Despite being unprepared, we stayed positive.
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Photo by Etc. Photography Team |
Wiping the sweat off our faces, we admired our work and sat down at the booth. It wasn’t long until a literal ocean of freshmen poured into the tent. I wasn’t exaggerating when I said ocean; you couldn’t even see the red carpet under them! The tent was full of that lively energy one may expect from an event like this.Sounds of conversation and curiosity filled the place as people began promoting themselves “Hey! You! Are you interested in…”, “Join our club!” echoed around and freshmen began to surround their interested selves around booths that piqued their interests. Moving around the tent was pretty much a futile attempt as even trying to move a few inches required squeezing and shoving through everybody like a goldfish in a school of sardines. Human flood aside, club booths with varying levels of creativity filled the landscape. Some booths featured modest designs while some with designs so extravagant that one couldn't help but wonder, “How did they have the time to even do this?”. Moving to the speakers’ corner, this is where clubs would showcase their talent and perform for the audiences; singing, dancing… you name it! All talents are welcome.
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Photo by Etc. Photography Team |
As the commotion started to die down, we finally got the well-deserved break we needed. Making sure the coast was clear, we quickly tidied up the booth and made our way to the “food tent”. Conveniently located beside the main tent was a tent that served as home to food vendors. Strolling around the tent, you’ll see freshly cooked food being prepared and served—everything you can think of lined the stalls where the vendors still kept a smile despite the hectic environment. It was like a scene from a Studio Ghibli movie with its iconic visuals of food. I darted my eyes left and right, indecisive on what to pick for my particularly late brunch. After some deciding and a little pressure from my friends, I picked the noodles because it was the healthiest option there—got to watch my weight!
Let’s not forget about the blazing ball in the sky radiating intense heat. My goodness it felt like we were in the middle of the Sahara. Not even the provided fans and huge bellowing air conditioners helped at all. Some people even had to take turns standing in front of the air conditioners just to keep cool! Well, at least the water fountains were nearby so all of us could stay hydrated on days like this.
Hours passed, the clock struck six and the angry afternoon sun began to mellow down, casting a yolky colour across the horizon. A deep orange glow painted the place, making it appear as though the world was on fire. The crowd has fully died down and the tent is now peaceful and serene; Club members were starting to pack up and head home for the day. As the sun sets, another day draws to a close at Taylor’s University.